How To Increase Breast Milk Naturally?

How To Increase Breast Milk Naturally?

Nursing mothers often worry about the supply of breast milk. Usually, every mother produces enough amount of breast milk for her baby. But sometimes, some mothers become unable to produce an adequate level of milk. If you are one of them, then this blog can be your guide in knowing about the factors that reduce the production of breast milk and how Ayurvedic remedies can help to increase mother’s milk.


The importance of breast milk:

Breast milk works as a really important source for both infants and newborn babies. Apart from containing different types of essential nutrients and vitamins that every newborn need in the first six months, mother’s milk also comes with different types of disease-fighting substances, which protect the newborn from any illness.


Factors that reduce the supply of breast milk:

The main factors that reduce the supply of breast milk among the nursing mothers include different types of illnesses, different types of hormonal changes in the body, consumption of birth control pills for a long time, nutritional deficiencies, infrequent breastfeeding because of cracked nipples and improper position of latching of the baby.


Natural remedies to increase breast milk supply:

There are actually a number of natural remedies that nursing mothers can consider to increase the supply of breast milk. These include:

  1. Warm compress: Sometimes, the main reason behind reduced supply of breast milk is low blood circulation. In this case, warm compressing the breasts before nursing can be really beneficial.
  2. Consume fenugreek: Fenugreek is known as a great remedy for stimulating glands that produce milk. So, consume fenugreek regularly either in the forms of fenugreek tea or in the form of capsules during breast feeding to stimulate the activity of mammary glands, sweat glands etc.
  3. Consume fennel seeds: Fennel seeds are also really beneficial in increasing the production of breast milk. So, you can consume fennel seeds on a regular basis by soaking the seeds in water, by adding it to the food daily or by grinding it with rock candy and then adding the powder to the milk.
  4. Consume cinnamon: Cinnamon is another vital component that helps to increase milk secretion. A nursing mother can consume cinnamon by adding the powder with honey or by having it with warm milk.
  5. Consume cumin seeds: Cumin seeds are another product that stimulates the production of milk. These are also a great source of iron and therefore offer strength to the new mother after giving birth. Cumin seed powder can be consumed with a glass of warm milk. Or you can consume cumin seeds by boiling with a half cup of water and then honey to the strained solution.
  6. Apart from the above-mentioned things, you can also consume Uko-Milk capsule. Being an ayurvedic capsule, this is free from any side effects and therefore really safe for use.


So, there is no need to worry in case you are not producing adequate breast milk. Just follow these natural remedies and you will be able to nurse your baby properly.

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