Ayurveda over Modern Western Medicines

Ayurveda over Modern Western Medicines

 Western Medicine 
 Cures permanently by healing the root  cause of the illness.
 Brings instant relief by acting over the  superficial surface.
 Its existence dates back to centuries ago.  Thus it is not tested on animals for  its effect and  action.
 Modern western medicine is a recent  science and thus is tested on animals to  prove  its efficiency.
 Modern western medicine is a recent  science and thus is tested on animals to  prove  its efficiency.
 Prepared from chemicals both  naturally available and artificial ones
 Has cure to almost every  disease invariably.
 Has cure to most of the diseases, while        other diseases are under research
 Has no side effect on the patient after the  course of medication is over.
 Has its own side effect after the course of  medication is over.
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